What was the name of the garden Jesus prayed in? Gethsemane* Eden Caesarea Name the book of the Bible which speaks about God's armor. 2 Corinthians Ephesians* Titus How many demons did Mary Magdalene have in her? Five Seven* Nine What book comes before 1 Kings? 2 Samuel* 1 Chronicles Joshua Which two men parted because of their argument over John Mark? Paul and Barnabas* Mathew and Luke Simon and Mark Name the book and chapter which lists the heroes of faith. 1 Corinthians 10 Acts 12 Hebrew 11* Where is Mars Hill? Nazareth Athens* Galilee Name the Apostle who stood on Mars Hill. Barnabas Peter Paul* Name the Biblical character who was the first person to experience fear. Adam* Cain Abel In 2 Peter, who does Peter say will come in the last days? Satan and his angels Scoffers* Saints Who closed the door of Noah's Ark? Noah Noah's son Shem The Lord* Name the city that was known as "The City of The Priests". Benjamin* Nineveh Hebron This describes the time of the day that Adam and Eve heard God walking in the Garden of Eden. In the light of the evening In the cool of the day* In the mist of the morning Who stated that he would exalt his throne above the stars of God? Jesus Nebuchadnezzar Lucifer* What will happen in the twinkling of an eye? We will all be changed* The Lord will return The dead will rise Who said, "We shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye." John Jesus Paul* The first nap recorded in the Bible was taken by whom? Eve Adam* The Serpent How many times did Paul pray to have his thorn in the flesh removed? Three* Five Seven "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" is a quote from... John 3:16 Romans 3:23* Hebrew 9:22 Who said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Luke John the Baptist Jesus* Name the books directly before and after Micah in the old testament. Habakkuk and Haggi Zephaniah and Malachi Jonah and Nahum* When the garments of Jesus were divided among the soldiers, how many pieces was his tunic torn into? 4 5 None* What book prophecied about a great hail from heaven in which hailstones were about the weight of a talent? Revelation* Acts Daniel Name the person who used a spear with the iron head weighting 600 shekels. David Goliath* Samson How much did the iron head of Goliath's spear weight? 200 Shekels 400 Shekels 600 Shekels* Where is Jesus' high priestly prayer? Acts 15 Ephesians 5 John 17* Who is the son of perdition? Judas* Lucifer Nebuchadnezzer The Egyptians originally thought Sarah was related to Abraham in what way? Daughter Sister* Wife Name the tribe of Israel that had the responsibility of moving the tabernacle? Levi* Daniel Judah Name the book that follows Obadiah. Amos Micah Jonah* What is the first word in the Bible? The In* A The phrase, "He leadeth me beside the still waters", is found in what chapter and verse of Psalms? Psalm 23:2* Psalm 26:3 Psalm 18:2 What fruit did God tell Adam and Eve not to eat? Forbidden Fruit Apple God didn't specify* What was the name of the tree God told Adam and Eve not to eat from? The Tree of Life The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil* The Tree of Death According to Proverbs 16:18, what goes before destruction? Pride* Haughty spirit Envy According to Proverbs 16:18, what goes before a fall? Pride Haughty spirit* Envy After the Feast of the Passover Jesus stayed in Jerusalem; how long was it before his parents noticed he was missing? 4 Hours 3 days journey A days journey* After the Feast of the Passover Jesus stayed in Jerusalem; how many days passed before his parents found him? 3 days* 4 days 2 days How often where the high priests to make atonement for the people of Israel? Twice a year Once a year* Every 4th full moon Who made this statement, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart." John the Baptist Job* Abraham How old was Jesus the first time he went to Jerusalem for passover? 15 12* 13 What is the Gift of God? Eternal LIfe* Prosperity A joyful heart Where is this quote? "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord." Ephesians 2:11 John 3:16 Romans 6:23* Name two cities that were destroyed because of their great wickedness? Babylon and Chaldea Sodom and Gomorrah* Jair and Nineveh Where was Jesus when he prayed so earnestly his sweat became like great drops of blood? In the desert In the Garden of Gethsemane* In the temple preaching Which disciple was in charge of their money box? Judas Iscariot* Peter Matthew Where is this verse? "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." Hebrews 9:22* Act 5:24 Hebrews 4:3 Where is this quote? "With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26* Acts 2:16 Romans 6:23 Where is this quote? "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." 2 Peter 2:4 Hebrews 13:8* Colossians 4:12 Name the book before Lamentations? Jeremiah* Ezekiel Isaiah Where is this quote? "God helps those who help themselves." Proverbs 8:8 It's not in the Bible Psalm 103:9 Who was Jesus speaking to when he said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM." The Jews* Pharisees Sadducees After Jesus' death, who took care of his mother? Peter John* Mark Name the last book in the Old Testament. Malachi* Zechariah Haggai What book directly follows Song of Solomon? Ecclesiastes Lamentations Isaiah* Name the book in which the following verse is found. "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, Rejoice." John Romans Philippians* Who asked the question, "What must I do to be saved?" The jailer of Paul and Silas* Nicodemus The begger Who asked the questions, "How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus* Festus Apollos How many books have only 1 chapter? 1 2 3* How many chapters are in the book of Jude? 1* 2 3 How many chapters are in the book of 2 John? 1* 2 3 Name three books that have one chapter each. 2 John, 3 John, Jude* 2 Peter, 3 John, Jude 2 Thessalonians, 3 John, Jude Who asked this question of Jesus, "Are you the King of the Jews?" Herod Pilate* Caesar Where is this verse located, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Psalms 1 Corinthians Proverbs* After Samson was captured by the Philistines, what did they do to him? Gouged out his eyes* Cut his hair Beat him to near death This is the first thing Adam and Eve did after they ate the forbidden fruit. Felt sick Hid themselves from the presence of God Sewed fig leaves together to made aprons* Where is this verse located? "For nothing is impossible with God." Luke* John Hebrews How many bible characters did not die? 1 2* 3 Name a biblical character that did not die. Enoch* Melchizedek Jeremiah Name a biblical character that did not die? Gideon Habakkuk Elijah* Where is the following verse located? "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9* Romans 4:4-5 Luke 1:37-38 How does Peter say the day of the Lord will come? As a thief in the night* Without warning Just before dawn Who said, "I am a man of unclean lips." David Ezekiel Isaiah* What chapter of the Bible is called the love chapter? 1 Corinthians 13* Psalm 135 Song of Solomon 4 What does the fool say? There is no Hell There is no God* There is no condemnation Where will Armageddon take place? Megiddo* Kadesh-Barnea Mount Sinai Who told the first lie? Adam Eve The serpent* What did God do on the first day of creation? He separated light from darkness* Created darkness He separated water and land What did God do on the second day of creation? Separated the water to make dry land Separated water from water* Let the land produce vegetation What did God do on the third day of creation? Put lights in the expanse of the sky Created an expanse between the waters Made dry land appear* What did God do on the 4th day of Creation? Said let the land produce vegetation Placed lights in the expanse of the sky* Made animals What did God do on the 5th day of creation? Made two great lights Filled the waters with living creatures* Created Man What did God do on the 6th day of creation? Made every winged bird Made sea creatures Made land animals* What didn't God do on the 7th day of creation? Created man in his own image* Rested from all his work Blessed the 7th day and made it holy In Luke, Jesus heals 10 lepers; how many returned to thank him? 2 1* 4 Where is this quote? "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that Believe on his name." John 1:12* Mathew 6:11 Acts 20:35 Where was David born? Jerusalem Jericho Bethlehem* How many brothers did David have? 4 6 8* Who was David's father? Jesse* Eliab Abinadab What book follows Malachi? Zechariah Matthew* Nahum Where was the book of Revelation written? On the Island of Patmos* In a Roman Jail On a ship Where is this quote located? "Abstain from all appearances of evil." 1 Thessalonians* 1 Timothy 1 John Upon what mountain range did Noah's Ark land? Sinai Ararat* Hermon On which month and day did Noah's Ark come to rest on land. Seventh month, seventeenth day* Sixth month, sixteenth day Ninth month, nineteenth day How many days passed from the beginning of flood untill Noah's Ark landed on dry ground? 175 day 250 days 150 days* How many people wrapped Jesus' body for burial? 1 2* 3 Name one of the men who wrapped Jesus' body for burial? Joseph* Nathanael Philemon Name one of the men who wrapped Jesus' body for burial? Andrew Ananias Nicodemus* How many coins did the poor widow place in the temple treasury? 2* 4 6 In what book does Jesus state that even our hairs are numbered? Mathew* Mark Luke Who was the first person to enter Jesus' empty tomb? Mary Magdalene Simon Peter* Nathanael Who compares our righteousness to filthy rags? Jesus Isaiah* Paul What is the number of the beast? 999 666* 777 In what book is the Lord's Prayer? Mathew* Mark Luke Who was the leader of the children of Israel after Moses' death? Judah Joshua* Aaron Where is this quote? "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." Hebrews* Genesis Deuteronomy Which of the following is not a disguise of Satan? A serpent An angel of light The Son of Man* Name two animals that David killed. Lion and Tiger Bear and Lion* Oxen and Bear According to Revelations, how many years will Satan be bound? 1500 years 1000 years* 2000 years Who said, "It is more blessed to give than receive." John the Baptist Paul Jesus* Name the fifth person mentioned in the Bible. Noah Enoch* Seth How many generations were there from Abraham to David? Fourteen* Twelve Sixteen How many generations were there from David to the exile to Babylon? Twelve Sixteen Fourteen* How many generations were there from the exile to Christ? Twelve Fourteen* Sixteen What did Lydia sell? Grain Purple cloth* Gold chains and bracelets What can no man tame? His heart His tongue* His will What is discribed as a restless evil, full of deadly poison? Satan A false gospel The tongue* What never fails? Love* Envy Pride How many time does the word Bible appear in the Holy scriptures? 25 76 None* On how many parts on the body, will the mark of the beast be placed? None 1 2* This is where the mark of the beast will be placed. Forehead only Left hand and forehead Right hand and forehead* This book comes after the book of Micah. Nahum* Hosea Ezekiel This book comes after the book of Hebrews. Philemon James* 1 Thessalonians The words 'born again' are found in this book. Mark Luke John* Where is this quote? "Cleanliness is next to godliness." It's not in the Bible* Proverbs Psalms What does the name Jonah mean? Dove* Love Sincerity Who is Jonah's father? Asaph Amittai* Dathan When Jonah ran from God, were was he headed? Tarshish* Joppa Nineveh Where is this verse? "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Romans 8:7 Philippians 4:13* Hebrews 1:6 Name the three disciples Jesus asked to keep watch over him as he prayed in Gethsemane. Peter and the two sons of Zebedee* John, Mark, Peter James, John, Paul Who said, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God"? Paul James* Philip Which disciple had to touch the nail prints in Jesus' hand before he believed? Philip Andrew Thomas* This is the name of the Angel who spoke to Mary the mother of Jesus. Gabriel* Michael Angel of Grace How many pieces of gold did Judas receive for betraying Jesus? None* 30 20 Who has the keys to death and hades? The angel of death Jesus* Satan Who were the sisters of Lazarus? Martha and Ruth Mary and Leah Mary and Martha* He put on fleece to test God. Nathanael Ishmael Gideon* Who disputed with Satan over the body of Moses? Aaron The archangel Michael* Joshua Peter compares Satan to this animal. A vile snake A pouncing tiger A roaring lion* In 2 Corinthians, Paul refers to Satan as this. The God of this age* The God of lies The God of death What name did an angel tell Hagar to name her child? Isaac Esau Ishmael* How many angels destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? Two* One Four What city did Lot escape to when he fled Sodom? Gomorrah Zoar* Hormah Who saved Israel from the Midianites? Gideon* Jacob Samson Who did God make his flood covenant with? Man Man and animals Man, animals and the earth* What was the sign and seal of God's covenant with Abraham and his offspring? Manna from Heaven Cutting slaughtered animals in half Circumcision* This apostle was released from prison by an angel. Peter* Paul Barnabas What kind of angelic beings guarded the entrance to Eden? Seraphims Cherubims* Archangels How many angels will be at the gates of the New Jerusalem? Six Twelve* Twenty-four How was Elijah taken up into heaven? In a cloud He just disappeared In a whirlwind* What part of Ezekiel was the Spirit holding on to as it lifted Ezekiel between earth and heaven? His hair* His hand His forearm In addition to Jesus, who else walked on water? Paul Peter* Philip Why did Moses mount a brass serpent on a pole? To locate water To heal the ailing Israelites* To protect the animals Name the army destroyed in the Red Sea. Egyptian* Midianite Syrian This is the mountain God descended upon in fire. Sinai* Ararat Hinnom Who said he knew someone who had been caught up to the third heaven? Paul* John Peter When Elijah out ran Ahab's chariot, where did he run? From Arad to Bethel From Mount Carmel to Jezreel* From Chinnereth to Galatia What did God use to part the Red Sea? Moses' staff A strong east wind* An earthquake How did Moses bring water out of a rock? He raised his arm and struck the rock once He struck the rock three times He struck the rock twice* This is the name of the oasis where Moses brought water forth from a rock. Kadesh-Barnea* Marah Mesopotamia Who's staff sprouted, budded, blossomed and produced almonds? Aaron's* Moses' Elisha's This type of bird fed Elijah in the wilderness. Dove Quail Raven* Through prayer, Elijah stopped the rain for this amount of time. Four years Three and a half years* Two years, 7 months How was the Assyrian army defeated? They rode into the Red Sea They were blinded by the sun and rode off a cliff An angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers* Prior to the fall, who was anointed by God? Adam Eve Lucifer* How do you become Saved? By God's grace I can ask him to forgive my sins* By being a good person and helping others Jesus' death automatically saved everyone Who squandered his wealth in wild living? Esau The prodigal son* Ephraim Name two book in which this quote appears. "Thou art my Son, this day I have begotten thee." 1 Corinthians 1:19 and John 3:25 Acts 13:33 and Psalm 5:9* Romans 15:12 and Isaiah 29:10 Who ate a book and said it tasted as sweet as honey? John Ezekiel* Moses Who was called the king of peace? Jesus The King Salem* David Who was called the king of righteousness? Melchizedek* Jesus King of Israel This creature was cursed by God. Raven Lion Serpent* What was cursed because of man's sin? Nature* The Earth People Who said to her husband, "Curse God and die." Job's wife* Naomi, wife of Elimelech Zechariah's wife Who brought about the death of John the Baptist? Hagar Hannah Herodias* This is the name of Leah's servant who bore Jacob two sons. Hagar Zilpah* Rahab Name the judge whose vow resulted in the death of his daughter. Jair Abimelech Jephthah* Who was not a judge in the Old Testement? Samson Tola Saul* This bird was forbidden as food in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Raven Dove Kite* How did God reveal himself to Elijah? In a burning bush In the form of a dove In a still small voice* Who said Job would curse God to his face? Job's wife Satan* Job's friends Who sacrificed his son in fire? Manasseh* Abraham Nebuchadnezzar Who did not acquit Jesus? The people* Herod Pilate Which disciples were nicknamed 'the sons of thunder' by Jesus? Peter and Andrew John and James* Philip and Bartholomew Which disciples comprised the inner circle of three who were allowed to see Jesus transfigured? Philip, Bartholomew, and Thomas Peter, Andrew, and John John, James, and Peter* Name a river which empties into the Dead Sea from the East? Arnon* Euphrates Tigris This river lies southeast of Jerusalem and is also called the Dead Sea. Salt Sea* Sea of Galilee Red Sea This describes the dove sent out from the ark by Noah. White dove Turtledove* Male dove What is the first month in the Jewish calendar? Sivan Tammuz Nisan* This is not considered a principal annual festival. Trumpets* Passover Pentecost Name the Christian in Corinth, whose household was baptized by Paul. Jason Stephanas* Nicodemus Name Jacob's favorite son. Benjamin Joseph* Simeon In Daniel, what animal was used for the torture of criminals? Snakes Lions* Black Bears How many years did Adam live? 930* 950 912 How many years did Noah live? 825 690 950* How many years did Moses live? 200 120* 175 How many years did Job live? 825 550 140* This was preserved in the ark of the testimony. Quail Purple cloth Manna* What phenomena carried Elijah to heaven? Tornado Whirlwind* Magnetic Pull Chronologically, which event occured after Sodom and Gomorrah burned? Abraham's sacrifice Conception of Isaac Opening of Rachel's womb* Satan is called the father of this. Death Lies* Deceit